Attention: All Women Over
"Do You
Want To Say Goodbye To Your Middle Aged Body?
And Say Hello To A Trimmer, Sexier And
More Toned You!
And If You’re Over Thirty – This Is One Of The Best Exercises You Can
Do To Get A Firmer, Younger Looking Figure -
This isn’t about some shady weight loss pill or
potion that’s damaging to your health or just another fitness craze that’s here today and gone
What you’re going to discover today is a virtually unknown twist on a time tested and proven exercise that
I’ve taken a simple concept and made some very clever changes so that it’s now
like fat burning on rocket fuel.
This Simple Secret Holds The Key To Unlocking The Door
To A Trimmer Tummy, Thinner
Thighs And A Firmer Butt!
And because of
these changes, this is also a very new approach to losing
It’s a way to flatten your stomach without sit
To firm your thighs without having to go to
every dance class at your local gym
To trim the fat from your butt without spending hours
with a personal trainer
You can do it anywhere
If done properly it’s
an EXTREMELY effective way of burning fat
It doesn’t place excessive stress on your joints or
You don’t need any skills or talents to do it... it’s
But above all... it’s free!
Although I Can’t Claim To Have Invented This, I Have Modified And Supercharged It To
Dramatically Speed Up The Results You Can Expect To See
In fact it’s actually
something that many of the most beautiful and sexiest
celebrities in the world do too...
Stars such as Anna Friel, Cameron Diaz, Natalie
Imbruglia, Teri Hatcher, Eva Longoria and Nicole Kidman to name but a few have all been spotted and
captured on camera doing this.
Do you think that
some of the richest and busiest women in the world would spend their time doing something that
didn’t get them noticeable results?
What if I told you that this new technique
meant you could dramatically improve the way you look without ever having to set foot in a
smelly gym or sweaty fitness class ever again...
That it’s a way to lose weight naturally, permanently
AND something that virtually anyone can do!
Would You Be Interested?
If you said ‘YES’ just now, then go grab a coffee, turn off the phone, dim the lights and make
yourself comfortable because I’m about to explain exactly why my new system could be the weight
loss solution you’ve been searching for...
You’ll Discover Something That’s Quick
And Easy That Can Make You Feel 20 Years
Younger And Live 20 Years Longer!
(well actually maybe not 20 years longer, but
it HAS been scientifically proven beyond doubt to extend your life and improve your
It’s something I’ve developed for my own one to
one clients who hate the gym but desperately want to have a figure to die
It’s something that I stumbled upon almost by
accident, when a winner of one of my weight loss challenges told me about her secret
I didn’t believe her at first, but when she explained it all to me it made so
much sense.
If it could work for her - a time pressed, busy, stressed single mom, then I’m
100% sure it will work for you too.
And if you read every word of this report I’ll explain to you
exactly why and how it does work...
Ok So What’s This Fantastic Weight
Loss Program You’ve Developed And How Will It Help
Well remember I said that I designed it for my
own clients, most of who tend to be busy professionals without very much spare time on their
...or very much interest in exercising.
I knew I needed to create something that they could use that easily fitted in
around their hectic lives.
It needed to be something they could go away and do on their own without risking
injury or getting bored.
So I developed a fat loss system based around what I consider to be (and many
other Hollywood stars too) the perfect exercise...
When It’s Done Right You Could Easily Describe it as ‘THE Perfect

Singer and Actress Natalie
Imbruglia power walking near her home in
Yes you read that right, I said
walking and over the next few minutes I’ll explain to you EXACTLY why my take on it is so effective
but still so underused by everyone except those who are in ‘the
My own revolutionary program uses an unusual and extremely
effective twist to using walking to burn through your fat stores.
I’ve taken techniques from other activities that burn fat such as running and other sports to
supercharge the results you can expect to see.
If You’ve Tried Everything Else But Never Got The Body You Wanted, Then It’s Time For A New
Solution That Gets Results FAST!
And that's one of
great things about walking is that it’s one of the easiest things in the world to
In fact every
able bodied person does this every time they move, yes ok that might simply be from the couch to
the car and the car to the office and back again, but we all do it.
The problem is
that we don’t do enough of it and we don’t do it regularly enough.
Just 20 – 30
minutes walking a day following one of my unique fat elimination plans is enough to burn over 52lbs
in a year, with little or only a very slight change to your current
That’s right you could start losing weight,
living the life you love, without spending hours at the gym or starving yourself of all the things
you enjoy eating.
Walking works because it burns off

Want To Read Over and Over
"Once I started
reading the book I was immediately impressed with the content, layout,
practical advise and the easy reference guides kept my interest
Now whenever I walk I am always thinking about the examples given
in the book and feel very motivated to do
This is a book that
you’ll want to read over and over again!"
Andrea Ellison - UK
Revolutionised The Way I Approach Losing
"This guide has
revolutionised the way I approach losing weight now. No more yo-yo dieting or trips
to the gym where I'm left feeling embarrassed and deflated.
The techniques I've
learned have helped me visualise where I want to be, plan step by step how I will
get there and the easy to follow schedules mean I can work walking into my life so
it's an enjoyable experience not a chore.
I've noticed my fitness
levels increasing after just a few weeks and I'm already closer to fitting into the
dress I've been determined I will wear again!"
Amy - Halifax,UK
Insightful and
"Since reaching my 30's I have
noticed that maintaining my flat stomach has become increasingly difficult for me
even though I have an active lifestyle.
I decided to give Jago's
Walking For Weight Loss book a read but I didn’t really expect to find any helpful
information inside because I already instruct adventure weekends for kids and I
have years of experience with fitness training.
However, to my surprise
the book was full of insightful and helpful information that I was able to
implement for myself. In fact I have been able to use the techniques shown in the
book as a means of losing weight without making any changes to my diet. This is
great for me because I do love my food and I also have a professional image to
Being overweight does hold
people back from achieving their full potential. If you want to shed your tummy and
feel great about your body then get yourself a copy right now. I recommend
Andrew Brett - New
If You’re A
Little Overweight Right Now It Can Be A Bit Of A Scary Thought Having To Lose
You know you’ll have to change the way you eat
and you’re also aware that you need to do some exercise.
And it’s exercise that worries you the
- You don’t like getting breathless and
- Your body feels uncomfortable whenever you
- You can’t stand the thought of stripping
down to a bikini or swimsuit to go swimming
- You hate the thought of mingling with all
the ‘body beautiful's' at your local torture chamber (erm, I mean
- The thought of co-ordinating your body to
move in time to music and look like you know what you’re doing in a fitness class sends you in
to a cold, cold sweat.
- You think everyone will be watching you if
you don your running shoes and take to the streets in an attempt to jog your way to health and
besides you’ve tried that before and it didn’t work for you.
It almost seems hopeless, you feel like
throwing your arms up in the air and just accepting the way you look and feel even if that’s
something you just don’t want to have to do.
The truth is, there is another option that
doesn’t involve you paying recurring monthly fees, exposing yourself to ritual humiliation by
running the streets or struggling to get through another gruelling workout at your local fitness
Actually Save Time AND Money By Following My
Walking Program
Let’s be honest, one of the biggest reasons why
most people don’t exercise is because they don’t have time.
It takes a real commitment to go through town
to the gym, get changed, push yourself for an hour, have a shower, changed again and then make it
back home… your evening is virtually over.
You could do it in the morning by getting up a
little earlier, but that can sometimes be so stressful and rushed before work, that it becomes
something you HAVE to do instead of something you actually want to do.
So the gym can often be a non
What you need is something that you can fit in and around your
daily life.
Something you can do without having to think about
Something you can do in small chunks.
And get this... as soon as you leave your front
door, your walking workout has begun.
In the 20 minutes you’ve spent getting to the
gym and changing to get ready to work out, you’ve almost finished your walk and you’re on the way
back home.
There really aren’t many other options that fit
that bill.
Apart from one obvious
But Isn’t
Walking A Waste Of Time? Shouldn’t It Be Much Harder To Lose
Don’t get
me wrong simply doing more walking is a great way to get fitter and burn a few more calories, but
if you’ve ever tried it before and never seen the results you were hoping for then the reason is
quite simple...
weren’t doing it right.
Did you know that there is a way to use 4 different styles of
walking to burn more fat.
Did you know that these different styles of walking will help
you burn off more calories far quicker than simply strolling along and...
Did you know that these techniques will increase your
metabolic rate so you permanently burn more fat and...
Did you know that using these virtually unheard of walking
techniques will boost your fitness levels WAY beyond that of normal walking can ever
And yes it does
It’s A Myth
That To Get In To Great Shape And Lose Weight, You’ve Got To Flog Yourself Until You
Let me explain it this way. Every time we move,
we burn through calories stored on our body.
These calories are our fuel, very much like
petrol is to a car. Go on a long journey in your car and you’ll use a lot of
Well our body’s are exactly like this
So every type of activity we take part in
will actually help us to burn through our fat stores.
The problem with most types of exercise is they
take so much time to do and can be so over facing that people don’t do enough and this is
where one of the biggest flaws in the ‘no pain, no gain’ theory lies.
And here’s another really interesting point
that you probably don’t realise and it certainly won’t have been explained properly to you by your
local fitness instructor.
That the type of fuel your body uses when it
moves depends on how hard that exercise is.
We predominantly use carbohydrates which are
held as Glycogen in the muscles and fat which we store over the whole body. But the ratio
of how much of each we use can actually be decided on by you.
Yes That’s Absolutely Right. YOU Can
Decide Whether You Use Your Carb Stores From Your Muscles Or The Body Fat You’ve Got Clinging To Your Hips, Butt And
And It’s Actually Very
It’s all down to the amount of effort you put
in. The really high intensity exercise where you literally crawl out of the class on your hands and
knees will have burnt through a far higher percentage of carbohydrates than fats.
Walking on the other hand will burn off
a greater percentage of body fat. You see when you exercise over longer periods of time at
a lower level of effort your body relies mainly on its fat stores for the source of
So this way you’re burning through
fat, not the carbs stored in your muscles.
How can I make such statements that seem to go
against conventional wisdom, especially when you’ve been told time and time again that losing
weight is hard?...
That you can’t have a firm, toned body unless
you push yourself to the limit.
But The ONLY Reason You Think This Way Is
That You’ve Been Given The Wrong Information...
If adverts promote it and everyone knows it,
And it’s
for this reason that I’m breaking rank and telling you as it is.
I’ve had enough of trying to explain to my
clients WHY the traditional model of losing weight just doesn’t work.
It’s too difficult to do and won’t give you
results that last a lifetime...
So Now I’m Turning My Back On The Fitness Industry And I’m Going To Expose
Some Of The Biggest Lies You’ve Been Told About Exercise And Weight
Because it just isn’t fair, you HAVE been
lied to...
Losing weight doesn’t need to be a
You don’t have to suffer hardship by
dieting or forcing yourself through gruelling workouts…
I’m very sorry on behalf of the entire fitness
industry if that’s what you’ve been led to believe. But you’ve got it wrong, you really don’t need
to keep going ‘till you drop.’
There’s a very major flaw in the theory that
going to the gym, attending fitness classes, boot camps or running will give you the body that you
And that’s quite simply
There Are
Only So Many Fat Calories You Can Burn At Any Given Time, So Spend An Hour Once Or Twice A
Week Flogging Your Guts And You’ll Only Lose A Certain Amount Of
Lets’ say you did a really
gruelling aerobics class twice a week, you’d burn off around 1,000 calories (500 for each
Not bad, BUT let’s imagine that’s
actually ALL you did each week... then it’s not so good.
Now compare this to walking
moderately for 30 minutes each day, say along some beautiful country lanes or through parks or
along river banks or around stunning lakes, enjoying the views and the slower more relaxed pace of
How many calories do you think
you’d burn off now?
I’ll tell you it’s around 1400 –
1500 calories. That’s actually more than the 2 aerobics classes put together.
The truth is if you increased
either the time you walked for each day or the speed you walked at, you could easily double that
And You
Wouldn’t Need To Put Yourself Through Muscle Aching Pain And Draining Fatigue To Get Even
Better Results!
Most people that claim to be fit
and active won’t do much more than a couple of fitness classes or gym sessions a week anyway...
that’s their lot!
If you’re the type of person who
loves pushing yourself to the limit and lives at the gym then you’ll get the best of both
You get to supercharge your fat
loss by adding walking in to your overall strategy.
Who Am I
And How Can I Help You?
My name is Jago Holmes and I’m a personal trainer based here in
Halifax, UK. I’ve been a personal trainer and fitness expert for over 10 years now and it’s a
job that I feel so lucky to able to do each day.
As a result of working with so
many clients over the years, I’ve been able to test and trial just about everything to do with
weight loss.
One of the overall findings that I
have discovered is that for anything to be successful it has to be done consistently over a period
of time.
Most things can work if done like
this, but the problem is that most people hate any form of structured exercise such as gym
sessions, running or swimming etc.
I Knew That
I Had To Create A Solution. It’s My Job To Do This, I’d Be Letting My Clients Down If I
So that’s exactly what I
I created ‘Walking For weight Loss – The 6 Week Fat
Elimination Plan.’
I tested and tweaked it so that it became the
most effective walking program possible and then used it time and time again with my own one to one
clients to verify my findings.
results were amazing...
Many clients never set foot inside a gym, yet
lost loads of weight in very short spaces of time. Also my clients noticed dramatic differences in
not only the way they felt but far more importantly for many... how they looked.
If I could summarize exactly what ‘Walking For
Weight Loss’ is all about in just a couple of sentences, I’d say...
It’s perhaps THE most effective alternative to
using a gym or any other type of exercise that there is available on the market
Grab Your Copy Of ‘Walking For
Weight Loss – The 6 Week Fat Elimination Plan’ Now

It’s A 6
Week Program That Includes Fat Loss Techniques And Tricks That Most People Won’t Have
Considered Using Or Even Heard About
Perhaps one of the most underestimated benefits
of walking is the buzz or ‘high’ you get when you do it. Your brain releases endorphins which are
your body’s ‘happy’ hormones and the feel good factor you experience is amazing.
Regular exercise is also well documented for
giving you tons more energy, despite what you might think.
There’s a number of reasons
- Firstly you’re moving your body more and
the more you move, the more calories you burn. This means you’ll weigh less and therefore it’s
much easier for you to move around.
- Secondly whenever you exercise you’re
strengthening and tightening your muscles. These toned, more effective muscles help you to burn
off even more calories and shed more pounds.
- Thirdly your heart and lungs become
stronger and more efficient. It takes less effort to carry out normal everyday tasks so life
feels easier.
Over The Moon With This
looking for an alternative way of losing weight that didn't mean me going
to a packed gym. Or classes, where I would worry I looked
like an idiot, I stumbled across Walking For Weight Loss, and boy am I
glad I did.
I have had the guide only 2 weeks
but already I feel like I have a new lease of life and I've lost a few pounds!
On top of that it’s also given me and my partner another interest to pursue
I was amazed, but not overwhelmed by the
amount of information this guide contained, but also how easy it was to read and
follow, even though there were things in it I had never even heard
This is not only a guide to walking, it's
also about leading a healthy lifestyle in general, and covers everything from,
choosing the correct footwear, to choosing the correct foods!
Over the moon with this book. Thank you very
Stuart Lancaster – West Yorkshire
It's Changed My Life...
"As a mother of FIVE young
boys, free time is not something that I get to enjoy very often, and when I do, I
usually sleep, watch TV or eat food that I did not have to cook! I ordered Jago's
walking program after reading a review by a lady who claimed that it improved her
energy levels.
If you want babies - trust
me - you don't want 5 boys! I simply don't have the energy for it! My diet of
coffee and sugar has had some adverse effects and leaves me exhausted in the long
run. I tried some herbal remedies but the pills and potions did nothing for
The idea of doing exercise
to have more energy was something I knew about but finding time to workout is hard
for a single mum with five lads! I wanted something to read on my kindle (eBook
reader) so I thought Jago’s stuff might be interesting.
Actually, it's changed my
life. Jago demonstrated that walking was already a part of my daily life and if
approached correctly then these walks could become truly powerful
It's true; I walk 2 of my
sons to school and then walk home myself, I walk to the shops to get their dinner
and I walk to work... walking is everywhere if you stop and look! The difference
that Jago’s program made to my life was he taught me how anyone can convert that
leisurely stroll or stressful commute into a proactive weight loss
The fact is that when done
correctly walking became rejuvenating and inspired me to do more exercise. I
regularly get comments like "YOU’RE LOOKING WELL' when I get to work! This never
used to happen before I did this!
Walking For Weight Loss is
not a miracle cure to all the difficulties in my life but it really has made my
life easier!"
Luis Mendosa -
When You
Commit To Something Like Walking For Weight Loss, You Are Taking Control Of Your
You’re calling the shots and deciding
which way you go in life instead of just accepting the way you are right now.
By taking control this way you’re far more
likely to make better food choices and when you eat well, you also feel so much better and have so
much more energy.
Many people don’t just use walking for weight
loss, they use it to unwind after a hard day’s work or to get away from a stressful
situation and recharge their batteries.
Getting out of work or away from the family
often gives you a chance to think things through and come up with solutions.
So not only will you lose weight when you’re
walking but you’ll also increase your energy levels, reduce the stress in your life, see beautiful
and varied new places and you’ll also feel great about yourself.
If you’re happy the way you are at the moment,
that’s great, you don’t need my help...
But If You
Want To Change The Way You Look And Feel Then 'Walking For Weight Loss' Could Very
Well Be The Answer For You
This 6 Week Fat Elimination Plan is unique
because it’s a totally new approach to losing weight and toning all your problems areas. It’s a
walking guide and training program that gives you...
A clever technique used by sportsmen and women to keep
themselves motivated and focussed on their goals. (page 8)
A range of fat loss measuring and monitoring techniques you
can use to chart the weight you’ll be losing so you stay motivated and focussed. (page
An instantly downloadable eBook system you can download to
your desktop in just a few minutes from now and be using the techniques yourself
A really simple but clever way of changing the way you eat so
you can lose weight without having to change your whole life. (page 20)
Some great tips for choosing foods when eating out, so a busy
social life doesn’t mean you can’t have the body you want. (page 22)
A quick technique you can use to find out if you’re working
hard enough or just wasting your time. (page 27)
The correct way of standing so you look taller, fitter,
slimmer and more attractive... do this every day and you’ll soon be feeling like a different
person. (page 30)
Exact step by step instructions of exactly how to use the 4
very different levels of walking to boost energy levels and blast your fat stores. (pages 32 -
The guide contains over 33 photographs showing you exactly how
to use all the techniques I recommend.
Not Only That But You’ll Also
How to do Olympic power walking so you can experience the
endorphin high you get from pushing yourself that little bit further. (page
How to do essential stretches so you avoid feeling stiff and
achy in the mornings and some clever movements that will help you to stand taller and reduce
your chances of suffering from back pain. (pages 38 - 42)
Why this one inexpensive piece of equipment is essential to
help you get more out of every walk. (page 44)
What things you should take with you on your walks to stay
safe, warm and dry, (pages 45 - 47)
One clever trick that can help you to burn off nearly 50% more
fat whilst making you more toned and fitter at the same time. (page 52)
How using advanced training techniques borrowed from other
sports can increase the amount of weight you lose by up to 30%. (pages 53 -
How you can use a treadmill at home or the gym if you’d prefer
not to do your walks outside. (page 57)
A neat idea to get you a stream of like minded people to
support and help you to lose even more weight. (page 59)
5 completely different 'easy to follow' walking schedules to
choose from. There's one to suit every fitness level, from the very unfit to the super fit.
(pages 61 - 70)
Over 72 pages of insider knowledge, your own ‘over the
shoulder’ look in to the unique weight loss tips and tricks used by some of the top personal
trainers in the world.
Whatever shape, size or level of
fitness you are now, I guarantee my program contains a
walking schedule that you could start using today to begin sculpting and shaping the new
Don’t just think about this, if you’re not
totally happy with the way you look right now, then you need to take action...
Exercise Can Actually Be
"The last 4 years of my
life have been very difficult since losing my husband.
He was the backbone to my
life and I have been lost without him.
Being someone who puts on
weight very easily I have to be careful what I eat and also do regular exercise. I
don't like exercise but for me it is essential to look and stay
After Peter died I did not
have the will power I needed to do this and my comfort eating grew out of my
control. I also stopped exercising. It wasn't until a routine check-up at my
doctors when she told me I was officially obese and that’s when the penny dropped.
Obesity can kill...
It was the reason for my
breathing problems and much of my depression. It was a vicious circle that needed
resolving. When you are overweight it is difficult to start exercising for a number
of reasons. Social stigma and pain are the two that come to my mind. I know how
funny I look jogging through the park in my sportswear!
But you have to take your
health seriously so I began looking for some information about weight loss and
subscribed to a few fitness blogs but unfortunately none of them were very
After finding Jago’s
training and downloading his eBook I discovered that exercise can actually be fun!
Yes, I said fun! And losing weight can be enjoyable too! If you have ever wanted to
lose some weight yourself then the idea that it can be fun to do is a
With Jago’s ‘Walking For
Weight Loss’ I began my walking program and within 2 weeks I lost a few pounds.
Since then I have been able to maintain a safe weight and this has also increased
my awareness, confidence and improved my attitude.
Of course I still miss my
husband and I'm sure I always will but at least now I know he would be extremely
proud of my achievements. I could never have done this without Jago's helpful
support and training."
Jane Williams -
It Would Appeal To Anyone...
"Walking For Fitness is a gem of a book which describes in readable and
interesting detail all the benefits of walking, for weight loss, fitness and
overall well-being. It would appeal to anyone who feels daunted by all the diet and
fitness books available today.
In clear language and with excellent bite-size information and illustrations, all
clearly headed, you can dip in to whichever aspect of walking you feel interested
in. It is a mine of useful information on all aspects of walking for weight loss -
from warm up exercises and foot wear, to safety for women walkers.
It spreads the word about
the benefits of walking in a such a relaxed style that even someone who feared they
were too unfit to begin with, would be tempted to try the program set out in Jago’s
eBook. Even those who thought they knew everything there was to know about
walking to get fit would be surprised how much they could learn from this compact
and encouraging guide."
Wendy Barr - Orkney
The Health Benefits Have Been
"I have used Walking For
Weight Loss every week since I invested in Jago's training.
I have lost weight yes but
what I really wanted was to achieve an improvement in the back of my arms which
since getting older seem to swing in the wind. This walking program helped me to do
this without ever picking up any weights or breaking a sweat.
I am lucky enough to live
in the countryside so if there is one health and fitness activity that is made for
country living it's walking!
The health benefits have
been amazing. Walking reduces my stress when I have had a difficult day at work and
it actually makes me a bigger part of the community because people see me
I don't think you need any
special skills and you don't have to live in the countryside to see the
improvements that I have seen by using Jago's methods regularly. All you really
need is a bit of self-respect and a simple desire to be happy...
If you follow Jago’s
walking program with these positive attitudes then I can virtually guarantee that
any excess weight you have will quickly drop off. Jago’s systems
Margaret Day - New
Okay Jago,
It Sounds Great But How Much Does This Cost?
Well, for an hour of one to one training at
your home I’d charge you $60.00.
So if I was able to train you personally for
every workout over the next 6 weeks, you’d have to spend at least $2,160.00 to do
But I’ve made it easier than that, you don’t
need me to be there with you to get the same results with this program, so this will be money
well spent.
I wanted to make this available to everyone,
not just the rich and famous.
I want to share my NEW system with as many
people as possible so I can help them transform the way they look and feel without having to
actually be there teaching it
So, I think you’ll agree it’s very affordable to
Walking For Weight Loss now
costs just $37.99
Do you think that’s a fair price for
transforming your body?
As I said, owning Walking For Weight Loss really is like having me right by your
side guiding you every step of the way.
So why spend $2,160.00 when you can get
the same theories, ideas and techniques for a fraction of the cost?
Just going back to the question of whether
$37.99 is a fair price?
No… IT’S A
For less than the price of a couple of take
out Pizza’s you get something so powerful that really could change your life
Get ‘Walking For Weight Loss – The 6 Week Fat Elimination Plan’ Now For
$37.99 Only!

And because it genuinely is very important to
me that you succeed in losing weight, toning up your troublesome spots and feeling great about
I also want to give you all of these bonuses at
no extra cost whatsoever when you grab your copy of Walking For Weight loss right
My Walking Weight Loss Journal
This is free to you with the program and it
contains a day to day diary to plot and chart your progress. By recording everything you do this
way, you increase the importance of the task in
your own mind and your results will be better and quicker as a result.
This great
training log and walking diary is an absolute must. It will help you plot and keep
track of your journey over the next 6 weeks and beyond.
BONUS #1 (worth $11.99) - How To Boost
Your Metabolism
Learn the secrets to eating more and weighing
less by simply boosting your metabolism in 3 easy steps!
Learn ways to burn calories even at rest and find out which
exercises actually burn fat the fastest.
BONUS #2 (worth $11.99) - Healthy
Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss
You’ll find over 50 of the healthiest, yet
mouth watering smoothies ever created!
Recipes include some of the quickest and
easiest to make drinks, simple to prepare in just a matter of a few minutes making them ideal for
days when you’re short of time, but need a power packed vitamin boosting ‘pick me
BONUS #3 (worth $17.99) - Healthy Soups
For Healthy Living
This is a real favourite of mine. It’s printed
out and on my kitchen shelf and I make at least one recipe from it every week.
Soups are an amazingly simple way of cooking
and preparing a whole host of foods in one place. In fact I challenge you to ruin a soup, they’re
so quick and easy to make and with this recipe collection you’ll get step by step instructions of
exactly how to prepare each one.
BONUS #4 (worth $21.99) - Glycemic 101:
How To Effortlessly Control Your Glycemic Index
Inside you’ll discover how to eat to maintain
healthy blood sugar levels and learn how highs and lows in your blood sugar can actually
drive you to craving sugary snacks all day long.
You'll find out why using the Glycemic index as your tool for
selecting the foods you eat could help you to lose weight AND dramatically reduce your risk of
suffering from problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.
#5 (worth
$37.99) - How To Start Running
I’ve put this bonus in for you even though I’m
obviously aware that it’s walking and not running that you’re interested in.
But what you’ll notice over the next few weeks
is that your fitness levels will soar and you’ll have so much energy that it may well feel like
it’s the natural progression. If you do, then you’ve got it ready.
It really is a mini encyclopedia of running for
beginners which contains everything you need to know to get started safely and
BONUS #6 (worth $17.99) - order now and you'll
also receive this eBook completely FREE –
Healthy Salads For
Healthy Living
You'll find some really unusual and tasty
salads which can be used as meals in their own right or eaten alongside other foods as
Never again will you have to serve up limp
lettuce leaves, soggy cucumber or boring tomato slices. Once you try some of these fantastic salads
you'll realise that there is much more to a salad than simply filling up a space on your
There are 17 mouthwatering recipes that draw
inspiration from all over the world along with some useful hints and tips for how to get the
best out of any salad by using some of the healthy and tasty dressings you'll find
BONUS #7 (worth $7.99) - Planning Your Success
'Failing to plan is like planning to fail' as a very wise man once said. Without having a direction to head towards
how can you ever reach your destination.
This manual helps you to create realistic, motivational and achievable goals
which will help drive you on towards your chosen weight loss goal and ideal body
You’ll discover how to create a time framed list
of achievable goals and targets you’ll be happily ticking off along the
That’s A Total Of $123.93 Worth Of Bonuses Yours
Free Once You Get Your Copy Of Walking For
Weight Loss For Just
$37.99 Only!

So If You Follow my unique NEW walking program you’ll not only look and feel great, but you’ll also
be healthier.
Honestly, what price can you put on your
As one of my 63 year old clients tells me every
week - ‘your health IS your wealth’
But There’s
More, You’ll Also Say Hello To A Confident And More Energetic
How long have you dreamed of looking at your
reflection in the mirror or a window and loving what you see?
How long have you wanted to feel proud of your
body, attractive and sexy?
How long have your low energy levels been
stopping you from doing things?
How do you think you’ll look and feel in 12
months time if you take no action and do nothing?
I Would Highly Recommend This Program For Fast
Weight Loss...
Last July
I downloaded some of Jago's training. The program I was most attracted to was
Walking For Weight Loss. This seemed like the ideal system because I had been doing
it for many years... walking that is!
I almost wanted to
disprove the theory that someone could burn enough calories from walking to
actually consider it a weight loss program! It all seemed a bit too easy... I was
waiting for the catch.
OK, so I am not 'fat' but
I do suffer from 'bloating' and I have tried many methods to stop the bloating from
happening. But nothing helped; not even a wheat free diet. I did not invest in
Jago's training because of my weight - I joined in because the exercise I could do
after my riding accident was limited - but consequently it appears that a walking
lifestyle really is one of the healthiest lifestyles I've ever experienced and that
includes during my horse riding days too!
Yes I have lost weight and
I don't get any bloating if I follow some of the other advice Jago shared inside
his training. I would highly recommend this program for fast weight loss and if you
are interested in controlling your weight before it starts to control you then this
system is perfect for you.
Even at my age I can still
sit on the beach and be comfortable with my body and that really is thanks to
Jago's walking program plus my mobility is now almost totally pain free for the
first time since falling from my horse."
Joan Birch - USA
I Have Been Able To Lose Weight And Enjoy
"I am happy to recommend
Jago's walking program to men and women who are not usually attracted to exercise
or need a simple way to get back into having a healthy
I have a few family
members who have died from obesity so it is something I am concerned about. Jago
really does empower people to live a life that they want without having to restrict
'the good stuff'.
By incorporating Jago's
walking methods into my life I have been able to lose weight and enjoy food. The
balance between theory and action in Jago's book is ideal. You will love this book
whether or not you naturally enjoy exercise.
I would recommend it to
people whatever their previous experience and whatever their level of fitness. My
son has been training in the military for a few years now and walking is still his
method of choice to stay fit when off duty... now that's saying something
If you want to control
your weight on your terms then there isn’t a simpler way than ‘Walking For Weight
Loss’ which achieves real results for average people like
Judy Mason -
Now is a perfect time for you to take control of your life and live it on your
It’s a golden opportunity for you to
start doing something positive, to decide yourself how you’re going to look and feel in the
My walking program not only offers you a quick
and easy way to lose weight…
…It’s also a chance at a new life and a
new you.

But I understand if you’re hesitant or
sceptical, in fact it’s perfectly normal and actually very commendable. And this is exactly why I’m
giving you this Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee...
100% RISK-FREE Money Back
You Are Fully
Guaranteed By Clickbanks Refund
I really
want you to be 100% satisfied with 'Walking For Weight
so let me remove any doubt from your
Order today and use my
NEW walking training schedule. If you're not convinced
that it's worth every single penny then you've got up to 60 days to
make up your mind.
If you're not happy with it,
just send me an email asking for your money back
and I
will refund 100% of your money -
Questions Asked!
Use my program and all of the FREE bonuses and if at the end of 6 weeks, you’re not absolutely
delighted with the ‘new you,’ you can have every penny of your money back.
Simply send me an email (you’ll find the
address in the contact us section at the bottom of this page) and I’ll refund your money back
straight away.
I Think
That’s A Very Fair And Honest Offer.
Oh by the way just in case you’re still a
little doubtful, my name is Jago Holmes I’ve been a personal trainer for a long time now, over 11
years in fact. If you do a Google search on my name, you’ll be able to find out even more about
I’m not a fly by night, grab your money and
run type of guy.
YOU TO SUCCEED, it’s why I’m still a practicing personal trainer and weight loss expert. I
love helping people get the body they want and I’d be honoured if I could help you to do that

I think I should also mention that “Walking For
Weight Loss" is not available in book stores or anywhere else. You can only get it here
right now.
The fastest way to order is to click the link
below. That way, you’ll be able to download the eBooks in a few seconds from
I use a 100% secure server for all
orders on this site, so your credit card information is completely safe!
But you can also pay by PayPal if you’d
please, don't
procrastinate and simply "think about it" any
more. If you're tired of not having the confidence, sex appeal or energy levels you truly want...
you need to take action right now!
Here's what to do
Click the
'ORDER NOW' button below and you’ll be taken to the order page to get your copy. You'll be
downloading the eBook and all 7 bonuses in just a minute from now!
You have my
warmest and sincerest regards,
P.S. Remember... you’ll
only get the body you really want once you take action. So if you're fed up...
- with not looking the way you want to
- with feeling frustrated or even depressed
about your body shape!
- with not having the sexy curves you’d
- with feeling tired and lacking energy most
of the time!
- with being self conscious and hiding
yourself in baggy, shapeless clothes!
Then you DO have the power to change all of this right
And remember, there's absolutely no
risk to you trying it out. If it's not right for you, you can get every cent of your
money back quickly and easily.
Don't you owe it to yourself to at least give
it a try?
If you're finally ready to say Goodbye to the
old you and hello to a sexy, firm, toned new you then you need to act now while it's fresh on your
P.P.S. Let me quickly recap
what you’ll get if you order today:
Walking For Weight
Loss |
Cost $37.99
My Walking Weight
Loss Journal |
Bonuses: |
1. How To Boost your
Metabolism |
2. Healthy Smoothies For Rapid
Weight Loss |
3. Healthy Soups For Healthy
Living |
Glycemic 101 |
5. How
To Start Running |
Healthy Salads For Healthy Living |
Planning Your
Success |
That’s A Total Of $161.92 Value For
$37.99 Only!

P.P.P.S. I’m
considering increasing the price of this program anytime soon, as I think it’s very
affordable even at a much higher price.
It’s something
I’ve been thinking about for a while now, I’m not just saying this to get you to get you to order
This may well be
last time that I offer this program and all of the FREE bonuses at the low price you
see here, so I recommend you take this offer now while you still can.
This program and the bonuses you'll get with it
come in eBook format, which are PDF files that can be downloaded and run on your
computer, Kindle or other hand held device or you can print them off. You will have instant
access to them, since there's no waiting for them to arrive in the mail.